Prestige Capital Management EOOD
Alternative Investment Fund Manager
AIFM Details
Prestige Capital Management EOOD is an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) as defined in s. 195(2.1) of the Collective Investment Schemes and Other Undertakings for Collective Investment Act. It was established in 2023 as a result of the founders’ extensive experience in asset valuation and management, lending, and trading in financial instruments.

Prestige Capital Management EOOD is registered as an AIFM in the register under s. 30(1.7) of the Financial Supervision Commission Act, and by virtue of Resolution 134 – AIFM dated on the 12th of March 2024 and issued by the Financial Supervision Commission.


AIF Details
AIFM Prestige Capital Management EOOD manages AIF Prestige Investment Fund I AD, which primary activity is investing in equity (shares) and debt instruments (bonds) of publicly traded Bulgarian companies. In this regard, the AIF Prestige Investment Fund I AD primarily invests in equity and debt instruments of companies engaged in activities related to the acquisition of Bulgarian assets, including but not limited to: real estate and other type of rights in rem, construction and developments, as well as other activities related to real estate investments.
Investment Strategy of Managed AIFs
  • Goal
    The primary goal of AIF Prestige Investment Fund I AD is to achieve an above-average rate of return on its investments, ensuring the preservation and growth of the value of the shareholders' invested amounts. This goal will primarily be realised through capital gains while assuming a moderate level of risk.
  • Strategy
    AIF Prestige Investment Fund I AD invests in equity and debt instruments of publicly traded Bulgarian companies engaged in activities related to investments in Bulgarian assets.
  • Policy
    The investment policy of AIF Prestige Investment Fund I AD does not include the use of any form of leverage. Investments may be directed towards financial instruments of companies at various stages of development, but primarily in companies with experience and established assets.
1st Floor, 19 Karnigradska Street, Sofia 1000, Republic of Bulgaria
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